5 Truly Incredible Celebrity Transformations

5. Chris Hemsworth Turns Into a Nordic God

chris hemsworth before and after thor

Alright, so he might not have been in bad shape before the role, but no one would have confused him with Thor. In the comics, Thor weight approximately 640 lbs, and in the picture on the left, Chris Hemsworth weighs about as much as his bicep. So he had to pack on some weight and do it fast. One year of eating 5 meals daily until he felt like he’d explode and intense workouts (including everyone’s favorite kettlebells later), and we have the Chris Hemsworth on the left with 20 lbs of added muscle. Still not quite 640 lbs, but an impressive gain nonetheless.

4. Charlize Theron Becomes A Monster

charlize theron monster

On the left is Charlize Theron, a women whose beauty few would debate. On the right is Charlize Theron as a murderous prostitute with an array of mental issues, with 30 extra pounds, prosthetic teeth, and enough makeup on to get at least 3 girls ready for Prom (though probably not the right kind of makeup). Without knowing that it’s Charlize Theron in there, most of us would just assume they gave the role to an actual murderous prostitute who was granted temporary acting bail.

3. 50 Cent Falls Apart

50 cent movie transformation

Most of us (the ones old enough to be listening to rap) recognize 50 Cent on the left. The New York rapper eventually taken in by Eminem went platinum 9 times with his album Get Rich or Die Tryin’, going on to sell over 30 million albums. And he was big. Big enough where 9 bullets didn’t slow him down for long (luckily, they weren’t made of silver or kryptonite). On the right is 50 Cent minus 50 Pounds for his movie role in Things Fall Apart. To play a football player struggling with cancer, the rapper/actor went on a liquid diet and worked out for 3 hours a day, losing 50 pounds in just 2 months! Note: While effective, this probably isn’t the healthiest weight loss solution.

2. Some Guy Morphs Into Wolverine

Hugh jackman before and after picture

Hugh Jackman wasn’t exactly a household name before his role in X-Men. After starring in a few TV series, smaller movies, and a musical, Jackman’s breakthrough role came when in 2000 he was cast as X-Men’s Wolverine. Preparing for the role wasn’t easy and involved lots of physical training, so he was far from out of shape in the photo on the left. Which is what makes the photo on the right so shocking. 14 years and 6 Wolverine roles later, we have Hugh Jackman at age 44… in the kind of shape that’s as close as any of us will come to seeing a real super-mutant. Let that be motivation for you – years of diet, nutrition, and the top trainers in the world pay off! It’s that easy.

1. Christian Bale’s Body Hates Him

christian bale transformations

If there’s one actor consistently known for putting his body through the extremes for roles, it’s Christian Bale. The first image is Christian Bale in peak shape for his role in the lighthearted family flick, American Psycho. Later came his role in The Machinist playing a worker who hadn’t slept in a year, for which he went on a crash diet of apples and coffee dropping down to only 120 pounds! The logical step after such an intense transformation was obviously to rest and give his body time to recover… which Christian Bale briefly completely ignored, deciding he should turn into Batman instead. Once again he pushed his body to its absolute limit, shooting straight up to 230 pounds. But as crazy these were, at least he had a lot of time to prepare between roles, right?

Not even close.

Christian Bale dropped 63 pounds in just a few months for his role in The Machinist. And gaining 100 pounds of muscle on his emaciated body for his role in Batman? That took all of 6 months. In the time it takes for most of us to drop a belt size, this guy can go from wearing Medium to fitting into Small… Children’s Size.

Now that’s dedication! With all that hard work behind him, he can finally recover and go back to his normal routine.

Christian Bale American hustle


Movie Review : Hobbit 2. The Desolation of Smaug


Hobbit 2: The Desolation of Smaug 

Director: Peter Jackson

Cast: Ian Mckellen, Martin Freeman, Richard Armitage, Orlando Bloom…

The sequel of Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey this movie Hobbit 2: The Desolation images (3)of Smaug continues on the quest of a Hobbit and Dwarves led by Thorin; son of Thrain; son of Thror, the king under The Lonely Mountain of the Kingdom of Moria.

As the dwarves discovers wealth under The Lonely Mountain, Thror the king of dwarves gets so tempted by the jewels that he mines more and more golds, diamonds, mithrils etc. Above all else was the Angstone, a small white stone that was so precious that it made the Dwarves, the Elves and Humans united. The whole palace gets filled by wealth that brings Smaug; a dragon
to take over The Lonely Mountain.



After the dragon took The Lonely Mountain, King Thror The-Hobbit-The-Desolation-Of-Smaug2-460x586tried to reclaim the ancient Dwarf Kingdom of Moria. But their enemies had gone there first. Moria had been taken by the leagues of Orc led by the most, vile of all their race Azog. The giant pale orc had sworn to wipe out the line of Durin. He began by behading the ki
ng. Thrain, Thorin’s father was driven mad by grief that he went missing. The Dwarves were leaderless, defeated and death was soon after them, that is when they saw the young prince facing down the pale orc. He stood alone against this. Taking shield of an oaken branch he cut the hand of Azog.

The movie is entirely based on the quest of getting back The Dwarf Kingdom of Moria. Bilbo Baggins a Hobbit played by Martin Freeman was like all Hobbits, smoking pipe, farming and drinking, until the day he meets Gandalf, a wizard who entirely changes his course of life. He becomes the part of the quest. The movie continues with Bilbo and the dwarves led by Thorinmoving towards The Lonely Mountain. In this journey they are sometimes attacked by huge spiders, sometimes prisoned bythe-hobbit-2-desolation-of-smaug-picture-wallpaper-01 the Elves, sometimes haunted by Orcs, and are once driven into the fight with Goblins. They are also helped by the Elf prince Legalos and Tauriel. Bilbo does so well to inspire the Dwarves and to steal the Angstone and also to make Smaug leave. Peter Jackson has so well created the twists and turns in the stories that the viewers will be speech bound. Continuing the
mystery of previous movie; this part also ends in suspense where Gandalf was trapped by the Orcs, and The Smaug flying in anger towards Dale. You should definitely watch this movie.lordoftheringstrilogy

We are so keenly awaiting the sequel of this movie; Hobbit 3: there and back again which is going to be released soon which will further reveal the unspoken mysteries about the  three parts of The Lord Of The Rings.